Does Your New Date Have A History of Sexual Offense Convictions?

Find out with this free guide.


Research first,
Swipe right second.

W E L C O M E - Safety Matters

“Online services and courses designed to protect you from becoming a crime victim.” Janexfbi

Listen to Jane discuss dating safety with Kelly Sayre and Doug Patteson of the Thrive Unafraid podcast.

I’ll teach you dating red flags, situational awareness, and research techniques that go beyond a simple Google search so you stay safe and confident.

Become the CEO of your dating life.

Wall of Love – Montmartre, Paris, France

Hi, I’m Jane!

For almost thirty years, I lived a balancing act, juggling my schedule between my family and my work as a Special Agent at the FBI. Time was always at a premium, and I learned to appreciate every minute of every day.

After I retired, I became a Private Investigator. I was able to work more closely with crime victims and learn about their needs. I became passionate about helping people who were victims of sexual assault and victims of scams. In 2021, I started using online dating apps and experienced some of the red flags first-hand.

Basically, my entire professional life has been devoted to the art of stopping scammers before they strike.

Are you curious about learning how to research your dates using free online search tools? I’ve got you! I teach people to be proactive, learn to trust their instincts and do online research like a pro. I believe you can overcome fears of being deceived and enjoy this dimension of your life to the fullest.


The program and community that will take you from dating without knowing if you are about to be scammed, conned, or catfished to finding a real person to meet and potentially fall in love.

Buckle in, snuggle with your puppy, and explore these informative reads from the blog. From “Why is Research Important?” to “Catfish and Therapy,” help awaits you…